Office: 01226 753160
In addition to the requirements under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (the Management Regulations), where flammable liquids are intentionally present in the workplace, there is a specific requirement under regulation 5 of DSEAR for you to identify the potential risks such activity may pose to your employees and others whose health and safety may be affected, and to determine the measures to be taken to eliminate or reduce these risks so far as reasonably practicable.
A risk assessment should be carried out regardless of the quantity of flammable liquid present at the workplace, as it will enable you to decide whether existing measures are sufficient or whether any additional controls or precautions are necessary. As well as assessing the normal activities within the workplace, you will also need to assess non-routine activities, such as maintenance work, where there is often a higher potential for fire and explosion incidents to occur. If there is no risk to safety from fires and explosions, or the risk is trivial, no further action is needed. If there are risks, then you must consider what you need to do to comply fully with the requirements of DSEAR
FIS are able to:
- Conduct a detailed technical risk assessment of all operations and procedures involving potentially dangerous substances.
- Advise on actions to reduce or eliminate the risk.
- Carry out a hazardous area survey and classification.
- Examine hazardous areas to ensure that correctly rated electrical and mechanical equipment is being used (ATEX rated).
- Implement arrangements to deal with accidents and emergencies.
- Provide information, instruction and training on DSEAR to all employees.
- Identify dangerous substance storage and processing areas.
- Introduce measures to protect against explosions.