Office: 01226 753160
VINIE is the first of its kind allowing automatic vehicle identification, odometer transfer and vehicle fuel tank levels to be integrated with our fuel management system (FMS). Through blue-tooth technology VINIE connects directly to your vehicle, with this we can accurately transfer the vehicles identification, odometer data and fuel tank levels into the fuel management system. The odometer and fuel tank levels come directly from the CAN to ensure accurate readings.
VINIE is a versatile system offering different variation and mounting options, this gives customers an alternative that best suits their fleet.
VINIE Variations:
Vehicle ID: The entry level to VINIE, this variation only allows the Vehicle to be identified to the FMS without the need of fobs and giving a more accurate fuelling record.
Vehicle & Odometer: This variation offers the complete system that will transfer the VIN, current odometer and the fuel tank level prior to fuelling. This data is all viewable in the FUELtran software which allows companies to take even more control of their fuel and vehicles.
Trailer ID: Designed to work for the haulage industry, VINIE is able to be fitted to trailers that will allow customers to have a reliable record of their trailers locations. The ID of the trailer is monitored at the FMS which is then transferred into FUELtran and your trailers have an accurate record across depots.
Fuel Management Systems come various different formats, but one thing that can't be denied is their great importance for the control and monitoring of fuel consumption for your company. Our range of fleet fuel management systems (FMS) are used to maintain, control and monitor consumption and stock in any type of industry that uses transport example fleet refuelling facilities, marinas, harbours and airports or any type of business that needs to keep track of fuel usage including generator fuel management systems.