
Office: 01226 753160

Forecourt Installation Services

Generator fuel systems 

With a wealth of professional experience we can supply, install and maintain a range of generator fuel systems based on our customers requirements. We have the knowledge and know how to install fuel systems for any size generator set. From delivery, offloading and positioning, to pipework installation, building works we can manage the whole process.

We provide bulk and day storage tanks in steel or plastic from 500 litres to 150,000 litres with all our steel tanks been constructed from 6 mm steel to BS799-5 standard. With all our fuel storage tank installations being fully compliant with the Environment Agency and DEFRA Oil Storage Regulations 2015.

We offer a range of  pipe work solutions in single and secondary contained to suit this application including Brugg, Dura Pipe PLX, Omega Flex and Geberit Mapress with options been available pipe in pipe which can be monitored by our SGB Class One Leak Detection Systems.

Contaminated fuel inside fuel storage tanks can cause filter blockages and pump failures in some cases leading to big repair bills. Storage tanks particularly those with low usage are prone to microbes and bugs with the need for a Fixed Fuel Conditioning System, a must in most cases. See our page fuel Polishing page for more information.

generator fuel system

FIS can manage the whole Fuel System Installation process from start to completion.

  • Single and Secondary Contained Pipework Installations 
  • ​Drop Weight Fire Valves
  • Fuel Polishing Systems
  • ​Bulk Storage Tanks
  • ​Day Tanks
  • ​Transfer Pump Sets
  • Water and Contamination Removals
  • Pipework Pressure Testing
  • High Accuracy Tank Gauges
  • Tank Inspections
  • Overfill and Bund Alarms
  • 30 & 60 Minute Fire Protected Storage Tanks
  • System Decommissioning